
因为这是一个基线研究, we do not have information to tell us if teenagers think that guns are easier to get than in the past, or if more of them have access to guns than they did before. Data from the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (2)表明在20世纪90年代, fewer students were carrying guns, 特别是, fewer were carrying guns to school.

The findings that 61 percent "know someone who bring a gun to school," and that 24 percent of the students believe that they could "easily get a gun if I wanted one," are troubling in that teenagers believe weapons to be readily available. The apparent easy access to guns youths say they have had some serious implications. According to the 2001 report by the Surgeon General on youth violence, the so-called "violence epidemic" of 1983-1993 was tied to more youths carrying guns. “在这个时代, 立即获得武器, 尤其是枪械, often turned an angry encounter into a seriously violent or lethal one, 哪一个, in turn drew the attention from the police in the form of an arrest.. 如果携带武器再次增加,暴力行为的暗流可能会重新点燃,成为一种新的流行病。3)."

We wanted to know how many students contemplate lethal violence and how readily they can obtain weapons.
问题 %同意
I know kids who could bring a gun to school if they wanted to. 61
I could easily get a gun if I wanted to. 24
There are kids in my school who I think might shoot someone. 37
I heard about someone who has made a plan to shoot someone. 19
I have heard another kid talking about shooting somebody at school. 20
I have thought about shooting someone at school. 08
I have though about how I would go about shooting someone at school. 10


  • Among those who said they do not feel safe at school, 这一比例跃升至74%, but even among those who rate their schools as safe or very safe, 50 percent knew someone who could bring a gun to school.
  • 生活质量较低的学生比生活质量较高或中等的学生更有可能说他们知道有人会带枪到学校.
  • 那些说自己的社区有一些或很多犯罪的人认识的学生中有枪支的人明显多于那些说自己生活在更安全的社区的人.
  • The more highly alienated respondents were, the more likely they were to say they knew kids who could bring a gun to school.
  • Older students were more likely to know a student with access to guns than younger students.
  • 70 percent of rural students said they knew someone who could bring a gun to school.
  • 生活在南方的学生比生活在东部的学生更有可能同意这一观点(66%). 56%).
  • 那些说自己的母亲只受过高中或更少教育的人(社会经济地位较低的一个指标)也比那些母亲受过大学教育的人更有可能同意这一说法.

Nearly a quarter (24 percent) of all respondents said they could "easily get a gun if I wanted one."

How safe students feel at school again had a definite impact on how many agreed with the statement.

  • 31 percent of those who do not feel safe at school agreed they could get a gun if they wanted one.
  • 那些认为生活质量低的人也比那些认为生活质量高的人更有可能同意(29% cf. 19%).
  • Among those with a high alienation index, 28 percent said they could get a gun, compared to 20 percent of those with a low alienation index.
  • 年龄较大的学生获得枪支的可能性是七年级和八年级学生的三倍.
  • 在农村学生中, 34 percent said they could get guns, 相比之下,23%的城市居民和20%的郊区居民持相同观点.

Thirty-seven percent agree "there are kids at my school who I think might shoot someone."

  • 40 percent of girls think there is someone at their school who might shoot someone, 而男孩只有34%.
  • Younger students seem less concerned than 11th and 12th graders.
  • White students are also more likely to agree. Forty percent say there are students at their schools who might shoot someone, compared to 26 percent of African-American students, 24 percent of Hispanic students and 25 percent of minority students.
  • 44 percent of rural students said there are students at their school capable of lethal violence, significantly more than suburban students and urban students.
  • 高疏离指数和中等疏离指数学生的认同程度远高于低疏离指数学生.
  • Among those with a lot of or some crime in their neighborhood, 45 percent said there are students at their school who might shoot someone, compared to 31 percent of those who said their neighborhoods had no crime.
  • 那些在学校感到不安全的学生比那些在学校感到安全的学生更有可能说学校里有孩子可能会开枪杀人.

One in five students has heard about someone in their school who has a plan to shoot someone. 这是指听到谣言的学生人数,他们的一个同学有枪杀某人的计划.

  • 23%的女孩说她们听说过学校里有人计划开枪杀人, compared to only 15 percent of the boys who said they have heard that type of rumor.
  • 年龄较大的学生比七年级和八年级的学生更有可能说他们听说过有人计划射杀别人.
  • 非洲裔美国学生最不可能说他们听说过有人计划实施致命暴力, and Hispanic students were the most likely.
  • Students in rural schools are more likely to have heard such rumors; 23 percent say they have heard of someone with a plan to shoot someone, compared to 18 percent of suburban students and 19 percent of urban students.
  • 大多数得到D和F的学生同意这一说法的人数略多于成绩更好的学生.
  • 生活质量较低的学生比生活质量较高的学生更有可能说他们听说过枪击计划的谣言.
  • 与疏远指数低或高的学生相比,疏远指数中等的学生更有可能说他们听说过有人计划实施致命暴力.
  • 那些报告他们的社区有一些或很多犯罪的人比那些说他们的社区是安全的人更容易听到关于枪击的谣言.
  • Among those who said they do not feel safe at school, 30 percent have heard rumors of plans for a school shooting, compared to 13 percent of those who say they feel very safe or extremely safe at school.

Twenty percent say they have heard another student talking about shooting someone at school. 这是指直接听到其他学生说他们想在学校开枪的学生的数量.

  • 七年级和八年级的学生比九年级和十年级以及十一年级和十二年级的学生更不可能说他们听到有人在学校谈论枪击事件.
  • 西班牙裔学生最不可能听到其他学生谈论使用致命暴力.
  • 与住在郊区的学生相比,农村和城市的学生更有可能听到另一个学生谈论枪击某人.
  • 那些在学校里得到最多D和F的学生比那些得到最多A的学生更有可能听到另一个学生谈论枪击别人, 或者大多是B和C.
  • 生活质量指数较低的人说他们听到有人谈论枪击某人的可能性是生活质量指数较高的人的两倍.
  • 与疏远指数中等或较低的学生相比,高度疏远的学生也更有可能同意这一说法.
  • 居住在犯罪率较高的社区的学生更有可能说他们听到另一个学生谈论在学校进行枪击.
  • 32%的学生说他们在学校感到不安全,他们说他们听到另一个学生谈论枪击某人, compared to 12 percent of those who say they are extremely safe or very safe at school.

Eight percent of the respondents said they have thought about shooting someone at school.

Responses to the question "I have thought about shooting someone at school."

(2)青少年危险行为调查是一项全国性的以学校为基础的调查,每两年由疾病控制和预防中心与联邦政府合作进行, 州和地方合作伙伴.

(3) U.S. Department of 健康 and Human Service. (2001). Youth Violence: A Report of the Surgeon General. 洛克维尔,马里兰州:美国.S. Department of 健康 and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Protection and Control; Substance Abuse and Mental 健康 Services Administration, Center for Mental 健康 Services; and National Institutes of 健康, National Institute of Mental 健康.

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