
The study used two survey instruments: one for student athletes and one for 教练 和管理员. 调查问卷直接邮寄给所有受访者. The survey returned a standard response rate of 23% on the average over all respondents: student athletes, 教练, 和管理员. 这些调查由美国国家计算机系统公司进行光学扫描.,并将数据库转移到k8彩乐园app官网下载的安全服务器上.


Two survey instruments were developed: for student athletes and for senior administrators and 教练. 调查结果几乎相同, with editorial changes 适当的 to the respondents and with minor differences in selected questions. 每次调查包括四个部分:

  • Background. This section included questions on the demographic background of the individual and the campus, 包括参加希腊的社会组织, 运动:有教练指导或参与的运动, 校园是否在一个有反欺侮法的州.
  • 被欺侮. This section opened with a definition of hazing given for respondents to use in answering the questions: 被欺侮 is any activity expected of someone joining a group that humiliates, 降解, 滥用, 、危害, 不管这个人是否愿意参与. 这还不包括新秀拿球之类的活动, 团队聚会和社区游戏, 或者和队友出去玩, 除非是一种羞辱的气氛, 退化, 滥用, 否则危险就会出现. 受访者 were asked a number of questions: the attitude of the athletic department towards hazing, 他们是否参与了欺侮, 以及他们觉得校园欺凌有多普遍. 他们还被问及是否会举报欺侮行为,如果不会,原因是什么.
  • 团队建设和入会活动. Student athletes were asked if they were involved in or suspected any of twenty-four specific initiation activities. Administrators were asked if they have known about or suspected any of these same activities. 所有受访者都被问及他们是否认为这些活动是传统的, 要求, 适当的, 不合适的, 或者是在喝酒的时候.
  • 防止欺凌的策略. 受访者 were asked if any of 11 specific hazing prevention strategies were used on their campus and how effective they rated each of these strategies. An open-ended question requested suggestions for alternative bonding and recognition activities or hazing prevention strategies considered most effective.


NCAA提供了体育主管的姓名和地址, 女性高级管理人员, 以及他们的全国学生运动员咨询委员会成员. 高等教育出版公司., provided the names and addresses of the senior student affairs officers from their 1999 Higher Education 目录. 大学目录公司. 提供了NCAA运动队教练的全国随机样本. Presidents of all NCAA institutions were invited to join in this study by providing a contact person from whom to obtain the names and addresses of student athletes on their campus. Although the letter went out at a difficult time of year - early December 1998- nearly one-fourth of all NCAA institutions (224) provided athletes' names and addresses by the deadline of January 20, 1999. An additional 120 institutions wished to participate but were not able to provide student names and addresses by the given deadline.

这项调查反映了全国范围内所有院校的情况, 从大型公立大学到小型私立学院. The distribution of NCAA institutions that provided student athlete names and addresses paralleled the national distribution of all NCAA institutions across all three NCAA divisions. 南部 我司 participation was slightly lower than the national percentage and 东部 第三部门 participation was slightly higher.

地区 我司 第二部 第三部门 总计
东部 7% 6% 21% 34%
中西部 5% 5% 9% 19%
南部 12% 11% 6% 29%
西方 6% 7% 5% 18%
总计 30% 29% 41% 100%
地区 我司 第二部 第三部门 总计
东部 6% 5% 26% 37%
中西部 5% 4% 9% 18%
南部 8% 13% 8% 29%
东部 6% 5% 5% 16%>
东部 25% 27% 48% 100%

224所大学共提交了61258名男女学生的名单. 从这个池子里随机抽取了全国一万名学生运动员. Each selected athlete was mailed a survey form and a no-postage-necessary, business reply envelope. 为了确保回复者不重复,只邮寄了一次. Anonymous direct mail was critical to this study since many people hesitate to report experiences they think will reflect badly on them, 他们的球队, 或者他们的学校. 调查问卷于1999年1月26日至29日邮寄给下列团体.

被组织, 每组被调查人数, 退回的检验报告数目, 及每组回应率
受访者 #发送 #返回
所有NCAA体育主管 1,014 304 / 30%
各院校的副校长或学生事务主任 1,034 228 / 22%
所有NCAA学生运动员咨询委员会成员 86 27 / 31%
所有NCAA高级女性管理人员 234
所有NCAA教练的随机样本 3,000 939 / 29%
来自223个NCAA机构的学生运动员随机样本 10,000 2,009 / 20%
总调查 15,368 3,507 / 23%


如上所示,回复率在20% - 31%之间. The student response rate of 20% was quite high given that students move frequently, 很多调查都被退回, 当然还有更多没有交付. The response rate from senior student affairs officers at 22% was standard for direct mail surveys. Response rates from athletic directors and NCAA National Student Athlete Advisory Committee members were high at 30% and 31% respectively.

对教练和高级女性管理人员的回复率进行了合并. Surveys were sent to all 234 女性高级管理人员 registered with the NCAA and to a national random sample of 3,000年的教练. The response from 女性高级管理人员 was 204 and from 教练 was 735. We assume that many of the 教练 identified themselves as 女性高级管理人员, 但不一定是在NCAA注册的. 因此我们合并了这两组. This added 10% non-random selection of 234 names to the random sample of 教练. 描述性结果仍然令人感兴趣. 在两组联合治疗中,29%的有效率很高.

The student athlete sample was large enough to contain a strong representation of both gender and NCAA division. 男性和女性的回应率, 然而, were inverted: men composed 43% of the respondents as opposed to 61% of the population of student athletes, and women composed 57% of the respondents as opposed to 39% of the population of student athletes. Response rates were also inverted for 我司 and 第三部门: 我司 comprised 29% of the respondents as opposed to 42% of the population of student athletes, and 第三部门 comprised 49% of the respondents as opposed to 37% of the population of student athletes. 在整个分析过程中都考虑到了这些倒置.

总计 Number of NCAA Registered Athletes and % of 总计 Athletes Compared to 总计 Number of 受访者 & 占NCAA分部总受访者的百分比 & 性别
部门 男性 总计 % 男性 总计 %
I 84507 52154 136661 42% 219 351 570 29%
II 43713 26162 69875 21% 195 221 416 22%
3 72407 49893 122300 37% 425 525 950 49%
总计 200627 128209 328836 839 1097 1936
61% 39% 43% 57%

Student athlete response rates by sport generally matched the distribution of athletes across sports. Many institutions noted that they did not include the track team in the January 20th submission deadline for the survey, 因为这是一项春季运动. 我们知道田径运动员的代表性会很低. 足球 and cross-country were the only fall sports for which the response rate was lower than their proportional share. This low response rate calls into question a response bias for football and cross country teams. 就像欺侮可以是秘密的一样,漏报是一个真正的问题和可能性. 游泳的回答率相当高. 足球也有点高.

总计 Number of NCAA Registered Athletes and % of 总计 Athletes Compared to 总计 Number of 受访者 & 占NCAA分部总受访者的百分比 & 性别
人口 样本
体育运动 男性 总计 % 男性 总计 %
棒球 24442 0 24442 7.56 121 0 121 5.42
篮球 15141 13392 28533 8.83 55 119 175 7.79
越野 10271 10141 20412 6.32 101 101 202 9.04
击剑 657 558 1215 0.38 3 4 7 0.31
足球 53984 0 53984 16.7 208 0 208 9.31
高尔夫球 7197 2323 9520 2.95 46 29 75 3.36
体操 413 1311 1724 0.53 0 14 14 0.63
冰上曲棍球 3608 436 4044 1.25 12 11 23 1.03
长曲棍球 5705 4068 9773 3.02 32 47 79 3.54
步枪 408 0 408 0.13 2 0 2 0.09
划船 1820 3951 5771 1.79 12 54 66 2.95
滑雪 575 455 1030 0.32 4 12 16 0.72
足球 17053 14829 31882 9.78 105 180 285 12.76
垒球 0 13167 13167 4.07 0 146 146 6.54
游泳 7508 8745 16253 5.03 66 124 190 8.59
网球 7999 8223 16222 5.02 30 73 104 4.66
Track 35262 28639 63901 19.76 153 51 302 13.52
排球 1052 12284 13336 4.13 5 160 165 7.36
水球 893 452 1345 0.42 7 11 18 0.81
摔跤 6219 0 6219 1.92 37 0 37 1.66
总数 200207 122974 32181 100 719 893 2234 100