
6月6日- 9日

你有来留尼汪的计划吗? 团聚登记现已开放!


欢迎所有校友参加同学会. 我们会尊重所有以4结尾的学年 & 9. There will be special group celebrations for our Alfred University Golden Saxons (alumni from 1973 or prior).

西格玛芝女将迎来百年校庆, 阿尔法卡帕欧米克隆将迎来他们的第80个生日, Delta Zeta将迎来他们的第30个生日. Lambda Chi Alpha, Delta Sigma Phi and Kappa Psi Upsilon are planning to hold their annual gatherings. New this year, AU’s Klan Alpine Brothers will sponsor one of their EPIC "Klan Alpine Band Nights.会计学MBA和2004年博鳌亚洲论坛 & MFA也有特别的聚会.


Please check back often as new events and details are being added regularly.

上午6时至下午6时: k8彩乐园app官网下载健身中心

上午10时至下午5时: Alfred Ceramic Art Museum Exhibition Jack Earl: Recent Acquisitions

上午11时至下午2时: k8彩乐园app官网下载画廊时间-特纳画廊

中午十二时至下午三时: 提前团聚入住- 法的房子

下午5时至9时: 团聚登记-鲍威尔校园中心2楼

6 pm: 撒克逊圈鸡尾酒 & 晚餐-只接受邀请

上午6时至下午6时: k8彩乐园app官网下载健身中心

上午8:30至下午3:30: 校园里的大部分建筑都将开放.

9 am: Saxon 体育运动 Golf Classic - $125 pp – 威尔斯维尔 Country Club (3006 Riverside Drive, 威尔斯维尔, NY 14895) – 上午9点开始办理登机手续. 上午10点开始.

上午9时至晚上9时: 团聚登记-鲍威尔校园中心2楼- Reunion guests should check-in before attending any on-campus Reunion events.

上午10时至下午5时: Alfred Ceramic Art Museum Exhibition Jack Earl: Recent Acquisitions

11 am: 校园之旅

上午11时至下午2时: k8彩乐园app官网下载画廊时间-特纳画廊

11 am: Sigma Chi Nu Bus departs campus for Barrelhouse 6 Distillery.

11 am: 工程的未来 – Dr. Gabrielle gastad ' 04, k8彩乐园app官网下载院长, 稻盛工学院, will talk about the future of engineering and the influence that Alfred University will have in the field going forward.

Day of Service Donation Drive – Sponsored by AU 校友理事会. AU’s 校友理事会 is offering a Day of Service opportunity for our Reunion attendees, 艾尔弗雷德大学员工和艾尔弗雷德社区. Stop by to meet our current 校友理事会 members and help our current students.
非盟食品储藏室-捐赠不易腐烂的食品. The Food Pantry is available to all AU students to help supplement their meal plans and monthly budgets. 健康的身体造就富有创造力的头脑.
〇谢丽尔的衣橱 Donate your gently used men’s and women’s professional clothing. The right outfit could be just what our students need to make their best first impression.
*也可以进行金钱捐赠. Additional donation times are scheduled throughout the weekend.

中午12点: AU Cyclists arrive on campus at the King Alfred Statue

1 pm: 非盟单车午餐- 仅限AU骑自行车者

1 pm: 校园之旅

下午2时至3时30分: CREATE中心开放日- 艾琳·泰勒, the Digital Fabrication Lab Specialist for the School of Engineering and the School of Art and Design, will be leading an open house of the newly renovated CREATE Center on the first floor of McMahon. This NYSCC space features a variety of new technologies with a focus on 3D printing.

下午2时30分至3时: 虚拟尸体桌演示- See first-hand the state-of-the-art technology available to AU students. By performing virtual dissections, our students can better understand complex body structures.

3 pm: Tour the Bromeley-Daggett Equestrian Center at Maris Cuneo Park – GPS地址是5174湖路,阿尔弗雷德站,纽约14803.

3 pm: Sigma Chi Nu巴士从Hammondsport出发前往Alfred.

下午4时至5时30分: 贾德森领导中心网络 & 指导- - - - - - Celebrate the alumni of the Women’s 领导 Academy program and friends of the Women’s 领导 Center! 与妇女领导学院的校友建立联系, friends and supporters of the Center and discover ways you, 太, 能指导在校生. 将提供茶点.

5 pm: 西格玛志女-前任总统鸡尾酒会

下午6时至8时: 特别星期五团体晚餐-每人$36
西格玛奇努 庆祝姐妹会100周年
阿尔法卡帕欧米克隆 庆祝姐妹会80周年
Delta Zeta - 庆祝姐妹会30周年
Lambda Chi Alpha - 每年的聚会
σ - 每年的聚会
Kappa Psi Upsilon 每年的聚会
〇三k党 这是集体庆祝的第一年. 欢迎回来!

下午6时至8时30分: 全体校友欢迎回来晚宴 $36 pp – This is not your average college meal plan from the past. Enjoy a variety of delicious meal options at your own pace on your schedule while reliving your dining hall days.

晚上6:30 - 9:30:F特色校友娱乐- Terrance Bruce Plus Two - See Featured Highlights for event description.

8 pm: 〇炉边聊天 找个安静的地方叙叙旧? 享受我们的户外火坑之一. 座位有限. 请自备椅子或毯子.

9 pm: 三k党高山乐队派对 这是你过去的经历.“三k党正在复兴他们史诗般的乐队派对. Relive the sights and sounds that will take you back to Alfred in its glory days. You’ll hear everything from modern hits to classic rock. 这是一个传奇的KA乐队派对,你不会想错过的. 欢迎所有的聚会嘉宾参加. This event is sponsored by the Klan Alpine Fraternity brothers.

10 pm: 天文台开放- 只限晴空

上午8时至晚上7时: 团聚登记-鲍威尔校园中心2楼.

上午8时至10时: 带走欧式早餐

8:30 am: 忠诚捐献人及校友奖嘉许早餐- 只接受邀请.

9:30 am: 2004届博鳌亚洲论坛毕业生 & MFA早午餐

10 am: Alpha Kappa Omicron年会

10 am: Sigma Chi Nu年会

10 am: Tour the Bromeley-Daggett Equestrian Center at Maris Cuneo Park – GPS地址是5174湖路,阿尔弗雷德站,纽约14803.

上午10时至下午4时: 主工艺美术展上的创客 艺术家的庆典, 手工艺者, 种植者, 农民, 教育工作者, 修补匠, 业余爱好者, 工程师, 作者, 来自我们社区的学生和企业家, offering hands-on interactions for adults and children. 主圣. 村音乐台.

上午10时至下午5时: Alfred Ceramic Art Museum Exhibition Jack Earl: Recent Acquisitions

上午11时至中午12时: Reunion 校友 Featured Speakers – The Power of Mentorship – "Someone 太k an interest in me" is the overwhelming response we hear from alumni when they talk about their time as students. Alfred University's longstanding culture of mentorship continues to support student success, 激励职业, 建立终身联系. Hear from some of AU's most popular mentors and those they mentored.

上午11时至下午2时: k8彩乐园app官网下载画廊时间-特纳画廊

12:15 pm: 校友队伍

12:30 pm: 校友午餐会 $18 pp

2:00 pm: 哈德馆“新空间之旅”

下午2时至4时: Day of Service Donation Drive – Sponsored by AU 校友理事会 – AU’s 校友理事会 is offering a Day of Service opportunity for our Reunion attendees, 艾尔弗雷德大学员工和艾尔弗雷德社区. Stop by to meet our current 校友理事会 members and help our current students.
非盟的食品储藏室 捐赠不易腐烂的食物. The Food Pantry is available to all AU students to help supplement their meal plans and monthly budgets. 健康的身体造就富有创造力的头脑.
〇谢丽尔的衣橱 Donate your gently used men’s and women’s professional clothing. The right outfit could be just what our students need to make their best first impression.
*也可以进行金钱捐赠. A donation time is scheduled on Sunday morning as well.
场外 & 军事事务开放日 Stop in to meet Andrew Berlingame, AU’s Military and Academic Coach. Learn how he continues to assist AU’s R场外 cadets and military students and hear his plans to expand the R场外 and military presence on the AU campus.

下午2时至3时30分: CREATE中心开放日- 艾琳·泰勒, the Digital Fabrication Lab Specialist for the School of Engineering and the School of Art and Design, will be leading an open house of the newly renovated CREATE Center on the first floor of McMahon. This NYSCC space features a variety of new technologies with a focus on 3D printing.

2:30 pm: 虚拟尸体桌演示- See first-hand the state-of-the-art technology available to AU students. By performing virtual dissections, our students can better understand complex body structures.

下午4时至5时30分: Reunion Featured 校友 Presentations – "Bottoms Up" – 听听业内顶尖人士的意见! Jeff Klossner, 19岁, Kara Mackey '88 and Michael Douglass '64 will share their stories and their spirits with you. 干杯!

5:15 pm: Married or Partnered AU Couples – Reconfirmation of Love

5:30 pm: 总统酒会

6:30 pm: 周六晚餐-每人36美元 AU’s Golden Saxons and the Class of 1974 will have individual venues. All others will gather in the Annex of the Joyce Walton Center. Feel free to sit with your honored year class or those from your special group.

8:00 pm: 校友甜品招待会/晚间娱乐

8:30 pm: 〇炉边聊天 找个安静的地方叙叙旧? 享受我们的户外火坑之一. 座位有限. 请自备椅子或毯子.

上午8时至9时30分: 学生大使告别早餐- $15 pp – Your chance to really get to know those amazing students who helped you throughout the weekend. 花点时间和这些在校生聊聊天. They would love to hear about your experience and are anxious to share theirs with you.

上午8时至11时: Day of Service Donation Drive – Sponsored by AU 校友理事会 – The donation drive continues for those who couldn’t make it on Friday or Saturday. AU’s 校友理事会 is offering a Day of Service opportunity for our Reunion attendees, 艾尔弗雷德大学员工和艾尔弗雷德社区. Stop by to meet our current 校友理事会 members and help our current students.
非盟的食品储藏室 捐赠不易腐烂的食物. The Food Pantry is available to all AU students to help supplement their meal plans and monthly budgets. 健康的身体造就富有创造力的头脑.
〇谢丽尔的衣橱 Donate your gently used men’s and women’s professional clothing. The right outfit could be just what our students need to make their best first impression.

10 am - 5 pm: Alfred Ceramic Art Museum Exhibition Jack Earl: Recent Acquisitions

11 am - 2 pm: k8彩乐园app官网下载画廊时间-特纳画廊

11 am: 退房


Take a look at how we celebrated at our 2023 Reunion celebration!

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