Morgan Denny '70 - ROTC

I was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant, United States Army, 1970年5月的第一个星期,k8彩乐园app官网下载后备军官训练队的学生在后备军官训练队大楼旁的草地上.  这一年,肯特州立大学发生枪击事件,越南战争引发了美国的动荡. 在阿尔弗雷德,学生们举行了示威游行,并威胁要烧毁后备军官训练队大楼,坦率地说,这对我们大多数在大楼里上课的人来说并没有什么影响.

After graduation and a summer working at home, 1970年11月,我开始服现役,并参加了财政部的基础课程和其他课程. Benjamin Harrison in 印第安纳波利斯. IN.  当时我们被告知,我们将在美国国内进行一年的巡演,然后被运往越南.  My first duty assignment was at the Brooke Army Medical Center (BAMC), Ft. Sam Houston in San Antonio, TX.  这被证明是一个伟大的第一次任务,因为我成为项目官员,将BAMC的工资记录转换为一个集中的工资系统,该系统来自位于Ft .的美国陆军财务和会计中心(USAFAC). Benjamin Harrison, IN.  这种转换需要以500张卡片为单位交付几箱“打孔卡”,以便在中央计算机中建立支付帐户. 

鉴于来自越南的陆军医疗队学生和病人的流动性,所需的培训和建立工资账户是一项相当艰巨的任务.  在这次任务期间,越南战争开始逐步平息,美国战俘被释放,许多人回到了BAMC.  我和USAFAC的一名中士采访了每一名返回的战俘,告知他们在返回后的待遇和地位.  Needless to say that was a very interesting time!

In the summer of 1973 I was diverted from Korea orders and ended up in Washington, DC and eventually Ft. 米德博士., in a top secret assignment serving soldiers worldwide.  By this time I was a Captain and the assignment was quite high level with a lot of responsibility.  在此期间,我结婚了(Lyn haupich Denny AU ' 73 School of Nursing),并在乔治华盛顿大学(George Washington University)获得了公共管理和预算管理硕士学位.

In January 1977 we went back to Ft. 本杰明·哈里森参加了为期六个月的船长职业课程,然后被派往德国戈平根st Infantry Division Forward as the Budget Officer.   这是另一项出色的三年任务,在严格的预算限制期间,有大量的陆军战术行动. 

Next in May 1980 we (now wife and two sons) returned to USAFAC, 印第安纳波利斯, 作为项目官员的一项任务是在世界各地的陆军财务办公室安装微型计算机,以便向中央计算机系统输入薪酬.  Again a high level job to test and establish all software, 规定, 培训, and security for this new system. 

In 1983-84, 现在是少校, 我们在陆军指挥参谋学院学习了一年,迎来了我们的第三个儿子.

We were quite amazed to return to Ft. Ben Harrison, this time to the Army Finance School.  这次任务让我收获颇丰,因为我在5月6日成为了陆军财务团激活的项目官员, 1987 and was the first Director of the Doctrine and Proponency Department.  During this period we established finance units, Lieutenant Colonel and Colonel Command positions, and the doctrine to be used in wartime.

As one of the few Finance Corps officers with a top secret clearance and now a Lieutenant Colonel, 我的下一项任务是在五角大楼的奥利弗·诺斯军售事件后成立的一个新组织.  这是另一个高级别职位,因为我们为陆军副参谋长工作,并举行了许多高层会议,以解决陆军各级的挑战.

Fortunately, after two years in the Pentagon I was selected for command and we moved to Ft. Benning, GA where I became the installation Finance and Accounting Officer (F&AO) and the Commander of the 215th Finance Support Unit.  This Command was part of what we established when I was at the Finance School.  This was a two year assignment and one that I really relished.  F&AO拥有大约200名文职雇员,加上我所在部队的士兵,被认为是训练和条令司令部中最好的设施.  Starting my second year in 1990, Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait and my unit was activated for Desert Shield/Desert Storm.  We were the first Finance Unit to completely deploy.  我们在金融学院所设想的单位和学说在战时成为了现实,并发挥了作用,这确实令人欣慰.  最终, 1990年9月,我抵达沙特阿拉伯,直到1991年6月才回国,这使我成为在战区服役时间最长的金融兵团军官.

After return to Ft. Benning and change of command we relocated to Carlisle Barracks, PA for the “best year of our lives” as a student at the Army War College.  看到出席会议的军官们的才干真是令人惊讶,因为他们知道许多人将成为将军,并最终成为军队的领导人.  我很早就被提升为上校,毕业后我们搬回了北弗吉尼亚.  我在五角大楼的陆军国民警卫队担任了将近5年的审计长/首席财务官.  这是另一项伟大而有压力的任务,因为我们帮助制定了陆军国民警卫队的装备和部队结构的未来决策.  This was the culmination of my military career as I retired with over 26 years of service.

A long story and career that started within Alfred University and the ROTC Department.  我没有想过在军队里的职业生涯,但我受到了有意义的任务的极大挑战,并爱上了与许多伟大的士兵一起服役.  在k8彩乐园app官网下载的成长过程中,我学到的不仅仅是课堂作业,还有如何与人相处,最终是领导技能.  我为自己的兵役感到自豪,我是k8彩乐园app官网下载后备军官训练部的一名学员.

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